Turkish Stick Agate Pendant Necklace TurkStck_neckl.jpg

Turkish Stick Agate Pendant Necklace

Chalcedony Pendant Necklace Chal_Neckl.jpg

Chalcedony Pendant Necklace

Montana Moss Agate Heart Pendant Necklace MontHeart_Neckl.jpg

Montana Moss Agate Heart Pendant Necklace

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Ocean Jasper Pendant 2

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Labradorite Pendant

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Pseudomorph Turkish Agate Pendant

Ocean Jasper Pendant OceanJaspFull.jpg

Ocean Jasper Pendant

Sonora Dendritic Opal Pendant BumbleDet.jpg

Sonora Dendritic Opal Pendant

Silver and Garnets Pendant

Silver and Garnets Pendant

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Obsidian Cat's Eye Pendant

Bruneau Jasper Pendant or Brooch BruneauJaspPendBrooch_vert_1000.jpg

Bruneau Jasper Pendant or Brooch

Sterling and Montana Moss Agate pendant

Sterling and Montana Moss Agate pendant

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Dendritic Opal Pendant Necklace

sold out

Porcelain Jasper Pendant

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Fossilized coral necklace

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Fossilized coral necklace 2
